Council Decisions

November 11, 2011 - Regional Council

11.1.4 Halifax Central Library Naming and Recognition Signage Policy

Motion passed to approve the Halifax Central Library Naming and Recognition Signage Policy.

11.1.2 Central Library Capital Campaign

Motion passed to approve an increase to the Library Operating Budget with funding as a withdrawal from Central Library Capital Campaign and Development Operating Reserve to fund the Central Library Capital Campaign.

December 7, 2010 - Regional Council

11.1.3 Request for Proposal 10-186 – Construction Management Consultant Services – Central Library

Motion passed to award EllisDon Limited for Construction Management Consultant Services (RFP No. 10-186), and award authority to the Acting CAO to approve the award of the sub-trade tender packages and Requests for Proposals.

November 16, 2010 - Regional Council

10.1.3 Halifax Central Library Contribution Agreement – Building Canada Fund

Motion passed to sign the Contribution Agreement with the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

March 30, 2010 - Regional Council

Halifax Regional Council voted in favour of two motions that will allow the Central Library to move forward:

  1. Regional Council approved a funding strategy to finance HRM’s portion of the cost to build the Central Library
  2. Regional Council approved a recommendation to award the tender for Architectural Consulting Services to Fowler Bauld & Mitchell Ltd.

May 26, 2009 - Regional Council

Halifax Regional Council passed 2009-2010 operating and capital budgets which included the budget for detailed design of the Central Library.

April 28, 2009 - Regional Council

13.4 Capital Project Ranking (Build Canada Funding)

Motion passed that the Central Library and the New Woodside Ferry be advanced as the projects under the Building Canada Fund with HRM’s share of funding being from debt funding and further the rest of the Infrastructure List, excluding the Harbour Link, be included as part of the Submission.

November 18, 2008 - Regional Council

Reports / Central Library Funding
MOVED that Halifax Regional Council:

  1. Approve the principles listed in the Discussion section of the October 28, 2008 staff report to be used as the basis of assumptions to develop financing scenarios for Council consideration of the Central Library.
  2. Authorize expenditures of an estimated value up to $100,000 from capital account CBW00978 to engage external expertise a) to value potential revenue opportunities through sale of the existing Library site and nearby municipal parking lot sites, b) analyse how to maximize the value through re‑development of lands received through the joint provincial land‑use transaction and c) explore various development models for the Central Library.


August 12, 2008 - Committee of the Whole

Halifax Central Library - Building Program and Space Requirements
MOVED that Halifax Regional Council:

  1. Approve the Central Library in principle.
  2. Direct HRM staff to examine funding options and develop a financial plan for the project; and the financial plan should be multi year and include funding in both public and private sectors.