Central Library Looking Bigger on the Inside
A tour of Central Library heads down the winding staircase.
There’s no doubt that Central Library is an eye-catching, beautiful, and iconic building that adds to the already existing beauty of Halifax. But how is the inside space shaping up?
On the inside, Central Library is nothing short of incredible with winding stairs, study carousels, meeting spaces, sound rooms, collection space, community space, cafés, info desks, a ton of other magical stuff, and seemingly endless nooks and crannies. The list goes on. Much like the famous TARDIS in the British TV show Doctor Who, Central Library is starting to look a bit bigger on the inside. In fact, all we’re missing from the TARDIS is a library swimming pool!
Furniture in the First Nations area.
Although Central is still under construction, we’ve put together a few pictures of the inside library space to give you an idea of how it’s shaping up. Even though everything looks amazing, just think of how dynamic the space will be when the library is set to open to the public.
The future kids info desk.
Having beautiful furniture and library space might not exactly make a TARDIS out of Central Library. But one thing is certain: filled with brilliant minds and inquisitive users, Central Library will always be much bigger on the inside!
For more information on our Central Library campaign, please visit: sharethewow.ca
Kasia Morrison
Communications Officer
Halifax Public Libraries
Phone: (902) 490-5852
Cell: (902) 476-8605
Email: morrisk@halifax.ca